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News Blinks…

Jeff Nolan has some interesting thoughts following a panel with PR pros. Jeff is right in that communicators are just starting to fully get with the social networking revolution. More need to read blogs, write blogs, turn-up those RSS feeds and readers and get behind the social networking revolution. Thanks to hyper-blogger Steve for the pointer.

Couple of Jeff’s comments are worth further discussion. Having seen and tracked the data on release click throughs and readership from the newswires and also company news sites people do, in mass, read news releases. They also are a ‘technical’ communications tool (for the media and disclosure purposes). Where he is right is that mediums like the blog are steadily increasing as a news desimination and triangulation vehicle. And at some point in the future they might just replace the need for a press release in order to satisfy fair disclosure. Jeff says:

My advice to professional marketing communication people is to get engaged with blogs now by reading and observing. Learn the etiquette and patterns before deciding to tackle strategy for dealing with blogs.

The creed of the professional communications executive over the years has been to control the message. Get over it because there is no chance you can do that in today’s world. At best you can shape a message by guiding and honestly responding to blog content where appropriate.

At the NewComm Forum Stowe made some really interesting points that expand on this. Network effects advantage the early adopters. As the network multiplies outward those who established the early advantage of linking, commentating, and engaging in the conversations are advantaged. The Blogosphere will favor the early movers. Tip for Communicators – Stowe gave you this one… If for some reason you don’t have the confidence to jump into the blogsphere, start sticking your toe into the water by commenting on other blogs. Before you know it, you’ll be up to your neck in the blogosphere.

Another thought that Jeff had that kept coming up at NewComm was the need for Communicators to focus on search engine optimization. I made the comment that you need to search, but you also need to hire people to do search. Tip for Communicators – hire search optimization specialists for every campaign, program and brand you manage.

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